Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Pigeons Are So Gay

Our pigeons are so gay. I mean that literally. We have gay pigeons. Your first thought might be, "Wait. You have pigeons?" To which I say, doesn't every gay couple in the Hillside area of Daly City have pigeons? To that, I can answer a resounding yes, since I am pretty sure Joey and I are the only gay couple living in the Hillside area of Daly City. But that is not the point. We are talking gay pigeons. To be exact our gay pigeons.

Let me give you some background. This all started when a homing pigeon named Ellen (she told me), showed up in our backyard and decided that home is where the heart is. Her heart apparently is right on Price in the Hillside area of Daly City. This is usually what happens to a neighborhood. First the gays move in, then the next thing you know the pigeons come. Ellen seduced us with her charms and before we knew it we were building her a pigeon loft. Well, Joey did most of the work. I just assisted. He built quite the pigeon palace. However, in this case the whole "if you build it, they will come" thing did not happen. Why isn't life like the movies? Ellen is a smart girl. Why would she want to live in a loft, no matter how stylish, when she could come and go as she pleases knowing she can always come home to a delicious meal? Ellen is a modern girl and will not be caged. That's fine by us. We applaud Ellen on her individuality and free spirit. But what do we do with the loft? Get pigeons, that's what.

Joey's Pigeon Loft
There is a pigeon rescue in San Francisco called, Mickacoo. They are a the sister organization of Mickaboo the bird rescue I volunteer for. They were having an event in Tiburon and Joey and I decided to go. That where we saw them. Lola and Luigi. Lola is a very large king pigeon and Luigi is a beautiful fantail. We were in love. We asked about adopting them and after filling out the proper paperwork and interviews they were ours. Turns out Lola is really a male. That's just his drag name. His new name is Lorenzo and Luigi is his partner.

So what's so gay about them? Well, besides the obvious, right now they are taking turns trying to hatch the fake eggs we put in their nest. Seems that our little gay pigeon couple is feeling clucky. They are the new normal of Price Street. I guess we all are.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Last night as Joey and I were in bed watching TV with Mojoe I was admiring the little guy (Mojoe, not Joey) and remarking how much he must trust me to sleep so soundly in my hand. What a life he has!

We started this routine when we got Mojoe at five weeks old. We needed to quarantine him from our other birds for a month so we had him in the bedroom. In order to spend time with him, we took him out and watched TV on my laptop in bed.  He always fell asleep in my hand. After the month ended we continued the routine and have since graduated to a bigger house and a bigger TV in the bedroom. I think we all look forward to this time together and Mojoe gets quite mad if we are even late for TV time.

Mojoe as hand-fed and since we got him at such an early age he is completely tame. That doesn't mean he's behaved, he's just tame. Mojoe knows no fear which gets him into trouble. Why would he know fear, though? He really knows nothing besides life with us, which means a loving and safe home, an endless supply of food; and of course, TV time. I never want him to know hardship.

A lot of birds aren't as lucky as Mojoe. In fact, there are so many abused and abandoned pet birds it breaks my heart. What if this had happened to Mojoe? I hate to even think about it.  That's why I volunteer for and support Mickaboo.  Mickaboo is a bird rescue group in the Bay Area that helps companion birds who have been neglected, abused, injured or surrendered. This all volunteer group does amazing work helping hundreds of birds. This isn't cheap.  Last month alone, Mickaboo's vet bills were over $20,000!!!  Can you believe that?  Well, actually I can. Mojoe got in a little scuffle last month and his bill alone cost me $800, so it comes to reason Mickaboo would have huge bills. But, how do they afford it? Well, through donations, fund raisers and events like Chase Community Giving.  In fact, you can vote right now for Mickaboo!  Just go to the Chase Community Giving page on Facebook or go to their website to vote.  By just doing that one simple task you can help Mickaboo win $10,000!  Imagine how much that would help!  Let's give all birds the chance to have a life like Mojoe.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My First Morning Glory

Well, not really my first, but we'll get to that.

This afternoon I went downstairs to water my apple tree and there it was, my first morning glory! A couple of months ago I planted some seeds near my rose bush. Slowly but surely a few vines sprouted up and starting making their way up the trellis and today I had my first flower. This is not only exciting, but very meaningful for me.

You see, when I was five years old we planted morning glory seeds in little pots. When they sprouted up we got to take them home. I gave mine to my Great Grandmother who planted it in her garden. Every time I went to visit her we would go out together and look at my handy work. I was always so excited when she showed me each new blossom.  I always think of that when I think of my Great Grandmother and today that same excitement came flooding back.

Boy, do I love my garden!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Got Fog?

I had some great plans for this Labor Day weekend. All centered around the garden.  As you can see from the picture, this doesn't seem to be the day for that. Daly City is known for it's foggy days, but in the almost year that I have been here, today has to be the foggiest yet. 

Everyone told me it would be foggy here, but since I moved here it's not been so bad. Joey and I live way up on the edge of Daly City right near San Francisco.  We get much more sun than our neighbors by the sea. Today isn't one of those days. I'm not complaining, though. Soon we will have our Indian Summer and that makes this fog worth it.  Happy Labor Day!