Monday, April 11, 2011

Dr. Mao's 8-Week Program - Week 1

Today Joey and I started our 8-Week Program. Week 1 is Detoxify Your Body and the tasks are:

  • Drink 8 glasses of water
  • Drink 2 cups of detoxifying tea
  • Get a plant for fresh air (you just do this once)
  • Take a 20-minute walk
  • Breath for 10 counts
These seem easy enough, but they are things I have not easily been able to incorporate into my daily life - especially the water.  No matter how hard I try I have never been able to get myself to drink eight glasses of water a day.  Today was different.  I actually did it.  All I can say about that is tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.  In order to make sure I drank all the water I needed to I placed a big pitcher on my desk and had a glass after each tinkle break, which was about every hour or so. I also keep a little tally on a piece of paper so I know how many glasses I have had.

I intend to have the tea after lunch and before I go to bed.  I didn't go with the tea he recommended from his site, because that seemed like a product placement to me and I prefer to shop at my usual online stops.  I got Yogi DeTox Tea at Amazon.  I got the six pack because I needed enough for both Joey and myself.  The tea smells better than it tastes, but it's really not bad.  I am not particularly a fan of tea, so we will see about this.

I got plants for both Joey and myself over the weekend and since that is just a one-off thing, that was pretty easy. I just need to remember to water it and make sure my birds don't eat it.

I work in a nice office park, so walking for 20 minutes was enjoyable.  I like to walk with a purpose so I decided to walk to the market since I needed to pick stuff up anyway.

The one thing I know I am going to forget it breathing for ten counts, which is really the easiest thing of all! I will just try to remind myself before I go to bed.

I really like the way this book is set up.  It starts with a a short questionnaire then explains why your five tasks are beneficial. Each day there are more tips and a couple of questions for you to answer.  I think this is going to be a good exercise for both of us and I am looking forward to seeing if I feel better at the end of this.


  1. Well week 1 sounds easy enough. I wish you both well on your detox :)

  2. It's not hard at all! I am hoping this will lay the groundwork for some healthy habits before we start our weight-loss program.
